Booking Sagrada Familia tickets (2025 rates)

Sagrada Familia Tickets

When travelling to Barcelona visiting the Sagrada Familia Cathedral is a must.
A unique monument, impressive for its size, details and architecture.

Antoni Gaudí's project, genius Catalan architect. He spent the last years of his life, until his accidental death, in his workshop on site dedicating himself fully to the construction, even though at the time he was among the most famous architects and his services were in great demand, losing other opportunities where he could made won a lot of money.

Tips for the visit:

Our advice is to start the visit by the museum located under the cathedral where you will be able to see the different models of the project and see how Gaudí has over the years gone from a classic project to a fantastic construction.
You will also be able to understand some of the technical solutions adopted by Gaudí for the construction and the methods he developed for material resistance calculations.
Gaudí didn’t like to make plans, but had an unusual vision of volumes and space and designed geometrically very complex shapes for certain elements of the cathedral with plaster models.

Length of the visit:

The Sagrada Familia is an incredible monument, which offers many readings and is worth visiting in depth to grasp its symbolism and the complexity of its construction, which makes it a unique monument in the world that no one has copied or imitated.
You need a minimum of 1h, and best 2h, or more, if you want to spend some time in the museum.

Best time for the visit:

The basilica can be visited every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., but on Sundays the organization of religious acts can modify the access times.
We recommend the visit at the beginning or end of the day: the morning the sun's rays pass through the windows of the birth facade and illuminate the basilica with green and bluish tints. In late afternoon the rays of the sun enter through the windows of the Passion facade and illuminate the temple in red and ochre colors.
Gaudi declared that a temple does not require any ornament for its decoration, the light of the Mediterranean sun through the stained glass was enough.

Buying tickets for the visit

Buy only on the Sagrada Familia official website , where you'll find the best rates.
Beware of the websites that publish tempting offers of cut-line and discount tickets, most often tickets are more expensive because they add multiple commissions.
On the other hand, there is no fast-track ticket, all tickets have a fixed schedule for entry. A new group of visitors enter every 15 minutes and the queue is short.
Be careful with the time slot indicated on your ticket, outside this slot you will not be able to enter the temple.

Ticket prices

In 2025 the official ticket price is 26€ for an adult and includes an audio guide. There are discounts for students and under 30s (24€), for retirees (21€) and admissions for under 11s is free.
From 10 people you must buy a group ticket by contacting the Sagrada Familia reservation department.

Visiting with a private guide

The best way to discover this fantastic monument is to visit with a private guide who can show the many readings, the hidden details, and make the visit of this temple unique in the world, a memorable moment of your trip to Barcelona.

-> Gaudí's masterpieces tour (Sagrada Familia & Park Güell)

-> Essential Gaudí tour (Sagrada Familia, Casa Batlló, Pedrera)